This video gives a glimpse into the tight knit Deaf community and the little-known social hierarchy practiced by many of its members. We have already experienced enough obstacles in the world throughout our lives, yet we have internal racism within the deaf community. Why is that? The more boxes you check, the more Deaf you are, the higher your status is alleviated within the community. How many boxes must we check in order to be considered equal? Or to be considered a part of the culture? What about the types of services we receive as a deaf person - it has greatly advanced therefore we have more opportunities of being involved in the world, instead of being in a bubble?

Furthermore, we are always evolving as a deaf person. One time may consider himself hard of hearing, but later realize “no, I’m deaf, but can hear some or once I used cued speech now, I use ASL, or both.” No one size fits for all. 

Thich Nhat Hanh says, “Love is understanding’s other name.”